Should I Meet My Fiancé Before Applying for a K-1 Visa?

Finding someone that you love and want to marry can be a wonderful event in your life. In your case, your loved one lives outside of the United States. U.S. immigration law provides a way for you to bring your fiancé over with a K-1 visa so that the two of you can marry in this country. However, the government has requirements in order to accept your petition for a visa.

Given the widespread use of communicating over the internet, it is possible you have never met your fiancé before. You might have established your relationship through video conferencing. But if you have never met your fiancé in person, there may be a problem.

Requirements for filing a K-1 petition

The USCIS explains that to successfully file for a K-1 visa, you must be legally free to marry your fiancé and you must plan to do so within 90 days of your fiancé arriving in the United States. Secondly, you must have met your loved one at least two years before you file your petition. However, the government does allow some exceptions to this rule.

Exceptions to meeting in person

The U.S. government understands that sometimes you cannot meet with a loved one in person. Trying to meet your fiancé overseas might cause you extreme hardship. You might also have problems if the home country or culture of your fiancé prohibits or sanctions an in-person meeting. This may be because of long-established customs that your fiancé practices.

If one of these events applies to you, you may establish your case to the USCIS. If they accept, you should be able to successfully petition for a K-1 visa and bring your future spouse to the United States without a problem.

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